Chisel A Physique That Makes Total Strangers Wonder If You’re A Pro Athlete, Fitness Model, Or Celebrity Trainer

If you feel like you’ve outgrown the ordinary, you’re invited to join an exclusive group of advanced trainees at Training Loft for a 12-week experience that guarantees the kind of head-turning, “only in the movies” results no other program can deliver.

You’re Invited To Conquer L.A.’s Most Advanced Transformation Program To...

In Just 12 Short (But Intense) Weeks

NEXT START DATE:  SEP 2nd  2024 


Be The Person That Everybody Envies At The Gym

Tired of putting in the work and looking basically the same? Our Elite Athletic Program (EAP) is the “Mount Everest” of training programs: Intense and extreme - yet totally worth it… because it will challenge you in ways that you never thought possible to deliver superhuman results that are impossible to achieve for the average person with average training programs.


And Admires Outside Of It

Pushing You Beyond Your Natural Limits To Unlock Limitless Results

Designed specifically for seasoned gym-goers, EAP leverages advanced biomechanics and program design protocols — typically reserved for professional athletes, Olympians, and A-list celebs — to help you smash plateaus you’ve been stuck at for years, hit personal records you never thought possible, prepare your body for any physical challenge, and unlock that “one-in-a-million” physique that everyone dreams of, but a rare few achieve.  

Pushing You Beyond Your Natural Limits To Unlock Limitless Results

Designed specifically for seasoned gym-goers, EAP leverages advanced biomechanics and program design protocols — typically reserved for professional athletes, Olympians, and A-list celebs — to help you smash plateaus you’ve been stuck at for years, hit personal records you never thought possible, prepare your body for any physical challenge, and unlock that “one-in-a-million” physique that everyone dreams of, but a rare few achieve.  


Who Actually Uncovers Their Dream Body

By the end of these 12 quick-yet-grueling weeks, even the fittest people in L.A. are amazed at their incredible transformations. And you will be, too. But due to its intensity, we rarely offer EAP. And we only accept a limited number of trainees at a time. So if you’re reading this, it may be now or never for you. Don’t miss this chance to claim your coveted spot in LA’s most advanced transformation program to get LA’s most incredible results.  


Be One Of The Select Few People On The Planet

Frequently Asked Questions

The 12-week Elite Athletic Program entails advanced, cutting-edge workouts leveraging advanced biomechanics and modalities to smash plateaus you’ve been stuck at for years, hit personal records you never thought possible, and achieve the body of your dreams that others can’t help but notice, envy, and admire.

Yes, customized nutrition coaching is included in the program to ensure you fuel your workouts optimally and to accelerate your results.

EAP is three days a week for 60 minutes each session. You won’t find another program that delivers these kind of jaw-dropping results without forcing you to live at the gym and eat like a bird.

Given limited space, the application process aims to assess your background, goals, experience level, and work ethic to ensure you’re the right fit for the program - and to guarantee you’ll get everything you want out of it.

The current rate is $2,999 - but given the level of advanced coaching every trainee receives, that rate is subject to skyrocket after each 12-week session. For now, that’s less than $83 per 60-minute session. These rare, “one-in-a-million” results are worth it. But to ensure budget doesn’t prevent you from chiseling the body of your dreams, we also offer payment plans.

No. But if you’re not a member already, you’ll want to be after the program… because no other gym delivers the warm, intimate atmosphere, world-class coaching, and incredible jaw-dropping results that we do.

Email Training Loft at to get on the waitlist. During each 12-week program, training sessions are offered 3 days a week at various times to accommodate busy schedules.

Tap here to book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call so we can discuss your goals, answer any questions you have, and confirm that EAP is the right next step for you - before you commit. We look forward to connecting with you!

Email us anytime at Or call or text us at 310.755.5098. The sooner, the better. Because spots are very limited.